Google Drive Desktop is a file synchronization service that allows users to store and access files on their computers and in the cloud.

Recently, some users have reported that they have lost months of data stored on Google Drive Desktop .

The issue appears to be related to a bug in the software that caused files to be deleted or corrupted .

The bug affected users who had enabled the “Backup and Sync” feature in Google Drive Desktop.

The “Backup and Sync” feature allows users to automatically back up files from their computer to Google Drive .

 The bug caused files to be deleted or corrupted on both the user’s computer and in the cloud.

 The issue has affected users around the world, and many have taken to social media to express their frustration.

Google has acknowledged the issue and is working to fix it.1. The company has advised affected users to contact its support team for assistance.

 Google has also recommended that users who have not yet been affected by the issue should back up their files to an external hard drive or other storage device.

 The issue has raised concerns about the reliability of cloud storage services and the importance of backing up important files 1.