If you're under 45, you witnessed the U.S. becoming the sole superpower after the Soviet Union's collapse.

The U.S. hesitated to maintain its role as the world's policeman and global trade engineer.Other nations gained power, sometimes ignoring established rules.

Russia didn't integrate into Western institutions, causing global concerns. China joined U.S.-led institutions, expecting economic integration but retaining its identity.

Millions in democracies felt left behind by globalization, leading to dissatisfaction with their leaders.

 Over 90% of global tensions stem from these three factors.The world currently lacks clear leadership, living in a leaderless state.

Anticipate a three-system world: security, economic, and digital. No single or bipolar system; three interrelated systems will emerge.

U.S. remains a dominant military power. Europe and Asia increasingly rely on the U.S. for security.

U.S. and China are major economic players.Global trade relationships are complex, with the U.S. and China depending on each other economically.

European Union, India, Japan, and others play significant roles.Economic power will fluctuate among these nations over the next decade.

 The global order will continue evolving, presenting challenges and opportunities. Cooperation and competition among nations and tech companies will shape the future.