Toyota is developing solid-state electric vehicle (EV) batteries for future models.

These batteries could provide a range of 745 miles on a single charge and recharge in around 10 minutes.

Toyota aims to make vehicles with solid-state batteries available by 2027 or 2028.

The new technology addresses concerns about driving range, potentially influencing consumer choices in favor of EVs.

A poll by the Washington Post and the University of Maryland indicates that 74% of respondents prefer gas-powered cars for trips over 250 miles.

Toyota has partnered with Tesla to give customers access to Tesla's Supercharger network and plans to adopt the North American Charging Standard (NACS) from 2025.

While Toyota is optimistic about solid-state batteries, the company is cautious about the speed of their rollout.

The Environmental Protection Agency states that EVs, including battery manufacturing, create significantly lower planet-warming pollution compared to gas-powered cars.

The potential early adoption of solid-state batteries could further reduce pollution from internal combustion engine vehicles.

EVs are considered environmentally friendly, with advancements in battery recycling reducing the need for raw material mining.