Unity Software is a videogame software provider.

The company is planning to cut 265 jobs, constituting 3.8% of its global workforce.

This decision is part of a strategic reset by Unity Software.

As part of the reset, Unity Software is terminating an agreement with a digital video effects company co-founded by the director of Lord of the Rings.

The announcement was made on Tuesday.

The move follows a tumultuous period for the San Francisco-based company, which makes a software toolkit used by many videogame developers including the maker of the popular "Pokemon Go" mobile game.

In September, the company tried to impose a new “runtime fee” pricing policy, which charged new fees to its game developers if certain revenue and install thresholds were met.

Following a developer revolt and a steep dropoff in share price, the company revamped the new fees.

In October, Unity CEO John Riccitiello retired, and the company appointed former IBM president Jim Whitehurst as interim CEO and president and Sequoia Capital partner Roelof Botha as board chairman.

Tuesday's announcement includes termination of the professional services piece of an agreement Unity struck with movie director Peter Jackson's visual effects company Weta FX in 2021 after Unity purchased the technology and engineering division of Weta FX.